Monday, July 13, 2009

New crit group

I have really fallen behind on almost every project in the last few days. I don't really understand why since I have had plenty of time. I keep starting something, setting it down, then starting something else, and so on. Anyway, over today and tomorrow, I will probably make some little posts here to try to get some M-BRANE-related business and other news and notes out in into the world.

Right now, I want to mention a new critique message board for writers that D.D. Tannenbaum has started. It's literally brand new, just set up yesterday, and I don't think it yet has many registered users, so maybe some more people will read this and join up. I have not myself participated in at all yet beyond registering, but evidently one can post stories on the message board and then other users can read them and offer critique. It should be fun and useful.

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