Yesterday was quite remarkable. First, it saw the release of M-Brane #5, possibly the best issue yet, and the first one to be available simultaneously on Kindle and via MobiPocket as well as in the traditional PDF and POD editions.
2) Next, Rick Novy released episode 2 of his new video podcast show Novy MIRror. I posted about this here when the first installment was released and have been plugging it on Twitter. It is super cool. Go to his site ASAP to see Rick's interview with writer Aliette de Bodard. It's really interesting. I like it when an author interview has some intellectual heft to it, and this one does for sure. (Note that the image that I am including to promote Novy MIRror is actually a screenshot from my Mac, and if you look very carefully, on the left side of the image you will see Derek J. Goodman about three times in avatar form in TweetDeck which is open behind the web window. Very small images, but there.)

3) Then, the President
of the United States, using his amazing power of not being a dumbass muthuhfrakker, made an appointment to the Supreme Court of the kind that we will not need to worry about for the next twenty or thirty years.
4) Indeed, the only major setback that I am aware of was the California court's upholding of the scurrilous Proposition 8. This was, however, expected. Also, it is not the first time their courts have had to uphold these dumb-ass ballot measures. It's part of their tradition--as it is in more and more states in recent decades--to let the drooling masses make laws directly instead of through the representative republic system of government intended by the Founders. That's why their Constitution has been amended some five hundred times so far. But at least Californians considered the concept of marriage equality. Where I live, there is absolutely no discussion of it whatsoever. The idea is totally unheard of. Im not worried, though: progress does get not rolled back in the long run. It takes time and there are setbacks along the way, but reason and liberal-mindedness always prevail given enough time.
5) Uh, I guess another bad thing about yesterday was that the "creeping crud" that I wrote of a few posts ago had me pretty firmly in its grip, but I stayed focused on the good stuff above (except for paragraph 4), and I feel a bit better today. I think I'll do some Twitter promos for #5 today, since I'm stuck at day job tomorrow.
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