Monday, April 13, 2009

Starlog goes web-only

I haven't a read a single issue of Starlog or really any movie/tv mag in years.  When I saw this post on doorQ today that it is going to be a web-only publication I had two conflicting reactions: 1) "Starlog is even still around? Really?"and 2) "Oh my god! No more print Starlog!" While I lost interest in it a long time ago, I have fond memories of it. I was a very young kid when it started and I vividly remember getting my mom to buy issue #1 for me (and most subsequent issues of it for several years, and also Fangoria when that started).  Also, in 1986 when I started my Trek zine The Alternative Warp, I managed to get a write-up about it printed in Starlog and that, more than  anything else, built my readership. I went almost overnight from like fifteen readers to over two hundred--big time for a fifteen year old kid's Trek zine!

(Also, I learned from the doorQ posting about it that Starlog co-founder Kerry O'Quinn is a doorQ member--cool!)

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