Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Print tedium/ Gaylactic Spectrum Awards/ Agony Column

1. I'm going to back away a bit from my recent speculations about starting to sell the print M-Brane #1 "any day now" and just say that it will go up for sale on 2/15 like I originally planned months ago and say no more about it until then. The POD printer has found yet another freaking format issue with it, so I am still not able to see the proof yet.  It makes me wish I had gone with another company that I had originally considered but dropped over price. It moves along though.

2.I saw that the 2008 Gaylactic Spectrum Awards were announced. Best Novel was Wicked Gentleman by Ginn Hale, published by Blind Eye Books, a small publisher that specializes in genre fiction featuring gay/lesbian characters.  On the short list of nominees in that category were a whopping three novels by Elizabeth Bear: Dust (Bantam Spectra), New Amsterdam (Subterranean) and Whiskey and Water: A Novel of the Promethean Age (Roc). I really dig Elizabeth Bear. I haven't read a lot of her stuff yet, but I was recently blown away by her short story "Tideline," which was in last year's Year's Best. It's just stunning.  Gaylactic's short story winner was "Ever So Much More Than Twenty" by Joshua Lewis and published in Lethe Press' So Fey anthology. The whole list, and those from previous years, can be found at the Spectrum Awards site. That site also has a link to Lambda Sci-fi's Recommended Reading List which, unfortunately, appears to be long-neglected as far as updates and which contains some odd omissions (only one title by Delany?) and even odder inclusions (Songmaster aside, I have a hard time seeing that Card's name belongs on such a list). 

3. If you are into comic books, and Batman in particular, check out Rick Kleffel's audio piece on  "Batmanga" on the Agony Column about these old Japanese Batman comics that were done decades ago and are much-sought-after items now, and which are reproduced in a book by collector Saul Ferris.  This site is heavy with genre-related podcasts, and should be a regular stop for sf enthusiasts anyway. Some most recent ones include an interview with Sean Stewart and a panel discussion with him, Aimee Bender and Terry Bisson at the SF in SF event. The audio archive has endless treasures in it going back for years.

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